Tips For New Tent Campers

Camping Tips -

Tips For New Tent Campers

Camping is a new experience for everyone, we all have to start somewhere, right? I'm sure there is a camping story that made you rethink the idea of doing this camping thing again. There is an old saying that applies to every camping situation "live and learn?" Here are a couple tips and a helpful camping gear checklist to prepare you for the long haul:

Tryout your gear:
Before you arrive at the campground you should always try out your gear. There is nothing worse than arriving at your site and then trying to put together a tent that your not familiar with, that has so many poles you have no clue where they go. Most of the time the colored stickers that are applied to the poles for "easy assembly" can be found at the bottom of the tent bag. " LOL " Your best option is to purchase a camping tent with intergrated poles for quick and easy set up, a bathtub style floor, heat taped seams, and quality materials. This will make your trip a lot easier, drier, and more fun for everyone.

Buy a bigger tent for family comfort:
New campers usually make the mistake of buying a tent just big enough for their family members. I recommend purchasing a family tent with a capacity rated two higher than the number of campers. So for a family of 4 I would recommend a 6 person tent, for a family of  8 person tent and so on. For a more comfortable experience buy smart and go big.

Choosing a Sleeping Bag:
Sleeping bags can somtimes be overlooked, when choosing the right sleeping bag keep in mind the temperature of the location you will be camping at and the time of year. Your body will generate heat inside of the bag so base the sleeping bag rating accordingly.

Practice setting up your tent in the backyard and sleep in your sleeping bag one night prior to your trip. This will save you the aggravation later. That's all for now, check back for more Tips and resources to help you on your next adventure..


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